Monday, May 5, 2008

媽的, 還可以再煩一點嗎?

不但強迫人定時轉密碼, 還有以下的POLICY AND RESTRICTION...

Change Password

Please enter a new password for your UT EID. Remember, your password must:

* Be between 8 and 20 characters in length.
* Consist of some combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. The special characters that are permitted are ! @ # $ % & * ( ) - + = , < > : ; " ' ..

In addition, your password cannot contain:

* Blanks.
* Your UT EID.
* Your first or last name.
* Your birthday in any form.
* Any words found in the English dictionary or common proper nouns of four letters or longer.
* Common letter transpositions (for example, @ for a, ! for i, or zero for O).

You may not re-use any of your last 10 passwords.

You may not re-use any password used in the last 10 days.

Passwords are case sensitive. This means that if your new password contains lower-case and/or upper-case characters you must enter it the same way every time you use it.


我又不是間諜, 也不太怕別人偷我的ACCOUNT...
難道說有人會特意花上N個小時HACK我的密碼, 然後替我交錢?


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