Sunday, July 27, 2008


7月26日16時0分配信 WIRED VISION





価格は約4万ドルと法外だ。この値段は『Windows Vista』バージョンで、『Mac』を搭載したければ2000ドルの追加料金が必要だ。

この椅子は、その価格に見合うだろうか? 以下の仕様を見て、自分で判断してほしい。

同期化された19インチの液晶モニターを3台搭載(VGA、垂直走査周波数56~75Hz)。モニター解像度は1280x1024ピクセル。このほかに7 インチのタッチスクリーン式液晶コントロールセンターがあり、照明や、椅子から発する気流や音(どういう音かは不明)を調節できる。


最高性能のゲーム向けシステムも搭載している。米Nvidia社製グラフィックカード『Quadro FX 1600M 512MB TurboCache』、テレビチューナー、2.60GHzの米Intel社製プロセッサー『Core 2 Duo T9300』、4GBのDDR2メモリ、ハイエンドの『Blu-ray Disc』ドライブなどだ。




Kodo, time for you to save up money for this dream chair.

Saturday, July 19, 2008



(星島日報 報道)港府昨公布本港最新失業率維持百分之三點三的十年低位。不過,有調查發現香港打工仔工時之長,排名世界第五,僅次於秘魯 、南韓 、泰國 與巴基斯坦,遠超大部分已發展國家,當中以飲食、零售、地產及保安等行業情況最嚴重,普遍每天工作逾十一小時。工會促請政府立法規定每周標準工時不可超過四十四小時,訂定最低工資及超時工作要有一點二五倍「補水」。

  記者:楊耀登 張一華


  職工盟昨引用政府統計處 資料,對比國際勞工組織的調查,發現在○五年香港有約四成一就業人口,每周工作四十八小時或以上,與全球五十個國家比較排名第五,僅次於秘魯、南韓、泰國和巴基斯坦;職工盟又發現,去年本港保安和物業管理員超時工作情況最嚴重,有三萬二千九百人每周工作六十小時。




  另外,樂施會 委託城大社會科學系就三個已立法最低工資的國家進行研究,包括英國 、愛爾蘭 及紐西蘭 。英國已立法九年,由資方及勞工團體合組獨立的低薪委員會磋商工資,實施後失業率未見嚴重惡化,商界及政府均可接受;紐西蘭則曾兩度立法引入最低工資,水平由勞工處 制定;愛爾蘭則已實施八年,現由各界以夥伴合作形式組成委員會,協商工資水平。


香港人, 醒下喇~ OT既情況仲差過n咁多已發展 (&未發展, 落後)既國家啊!
唔好以為ot等耐好威至得㗎! 快d立法規定每周標準工時不可超過四十四小時喇!!(私心)

Friday, July 18, 2008

Types Of Coffee Drinks - Coffee Varieties

It can sometimes be daunting walking into a coffee house and seeing the long list of coffee varieties and drinks on the menu. What’s the difference between a latte and an Au lait? How does a cappuccino differ from an Americano? We’ll try to make it all clear for you below:
Americano: A single shot of espresso with about 7 ounces of hot water added to the mix. The name for this coffee drink stemmed from an insult to ‘uncouth’ Americans who weren’t up to drinking full espressos.
A Shot in the Dark: See ‘Hammerhead’.
Black coffee: A drip brew, percolated or French press style coffee served straight, with no milk.
Cafe au Lait: Similar to Caffe Latte, except that an au lait is made with brewed coffee instead of espresso. Additionally, the ratio of milk to coffee is 1:1, making for a much less intense taste.
Cafe Breva: A cappuccino made with half and half milk, instead of whole milk. The theory is that the mix gives a richer, creamier flavor. You should be aware, before trying this for yourself, that half and half is much harder to foam.
Caffe Latte: Essentially, a single shot of espresso in steamed (not frothed) milk. The ratio of milk to coffee should be about 3:1, but you should be aware that latte in Italian means ‘milk’, so be careful ordering one when in Rome.
Cafe Macchiato: A shot of espresso with steamed milk added. The ratio of coffee to milk is approximately 4:1.
Cappuccino: Usually equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and frothed milk, often with cinnamon or flaked chocolate sprinkled on top. Some coffee shops will add more milk than that so that the customer will get a bigger drink out of the deal, but that makes the coffee itself far weaker. Click here for how to make Cappuccino
Double, or Double Shot: Just as it sounds, this is two shots of espresso mixed in with the regular amount of additional ingredients. So, for example, if you were going to make a double hammerhead, you would put two shots of espresso into a coffee cup, and fill it with the drip blend, rather than the usual single espresso shot.
Dry Cappuccino: A regular cappuccino, only with a smaller amount of foam, and no steamed milk at all.
Espresso Con Panna: Your basic standard espresso with a shot of whipped cream on top.
Flavored coffee: A very much ethnic tradition, syrups, flavorings, and/or spices are added to give the coffee a tinge of something else. Chocolate is the most common additive, either sprinkled on top or added in syrup form, while other favorites include cinnamon, nutmeg, and Italian syrups.
Frappe: A big favorite in parts of Europe and Latin America, especially during the summer months. Originally a cold espresso, it has more recently been prepared putting 1-2 teaspoons of instant coffee with sugar, water and ice. The brew is placed in a long glass with ice, and milk if you like, turning it into a big coffee milkshake.
Greek Coffee: See Turkish Coffee.
Hammerhead: A real caffeine fix, this drink consists of a shot of espresso in a regular-sized coffee cup, which is then filled with drip coffee. Also known as a Shot in the Dark, although many cafes rename the drink further to suit their own needs.
Iced coffee: A regular coffee served with ice, and sometimes milk and sugar.
Indian (Madras) filter coffee: A common brew in the south of India, Indian filter coffee is made from rough ground, dark-roasted coffee Arabica or Peaberry beans. It’s drip-brewed for several hours in a traditional metal coffee filter before being served. The ratio of coffee to milk is usually 3:1.
Instant coffee (or soluble coffee): These grounds have usually been freeze-dried and turned into soluble powder or coffee granules. Basically, instant coffee is for those that prefer speed and convenience over quality. Though some prefer instant coffee to the real thing, there’s just no accounting for taste.
Irish coffee: A coffee spiked with Irish whiskey, with cream on top. An alcoholic beverage that’s best kept clear of the kids, but warms you up plenty on a cold winter night.
Kopi Tubruk: An Indonesian-style coffee that is very similar to Turkish and Greek in that it’s very thick, but the coarse coffee grounds are actually boiled together with a solid piece of sugar. The islands of Java and Bali tend to drink this brew.
Lungo: One for the aficionados, this is an extra long pull that allows somewhere around twice as much water as normal to pass through the coffee grounds usually used for a single shot of espresso. In technical terms, it’s a 2-3 ounce shot.
Macchiato: (See Cafe Macchiato)
Melya: A coffee mixed with 1 teaspoon of unsweetened powdered cocoa and drizzled honey. Sometimes served with cream.
Mocha: This popular drink is basically a Cappuccino or Latte with chocolate syrup added to the mix. Sweeter, not as intense in coffee flavor, and a good ‘gateway’ coffee for those who don’t usually do the caffeine thing.
Oliang/Oleng: A stronger version of Thai coffee, Oliang is a blend of coffee and other ingredients such as corn, soy beans, and sesame seeds. Traditionally brewed with a “tung tom kah fe”, or a metal ring with a handle and a muslin-like cloth bag attached.
Ristretto: The opposite of a Lungo, the name of this variety of coffee means ‘restricted’, which means less water is pushed through the coffee grounds than normal, even though the shot would take the same amount of time as normal for the coffee maker to pull. If you want to get technical, it’s about a 0.75 ounce pull.
Soluble Coffee: See Instant Coffee.
Turkish Coffee (also known as Greek Coffee): Made by boiling finely ground coffee and water together to form a muddy, thick coffee mix. In fact, the strongest Turkish coffee can almost keep a spoon standing upright. It’s often made in what’s known as an Ibrik, a long-handled, open, brass or copper pot. It is then poured, unfiltered, into tiny Demitasse cups, with the fine grounds included. It’s then left to settle for a while before serving, with sugar and spices often added to the cup.
Vietnamese style coffee: A drink made by dripping hot water though a metal mesh, with the intense brew then poured over ice and sweetened, condensed milk. This process uses a lot more coffee grounds and is thus a lot slower than most kinds of brewing.
White coffee: A black coffee with milk added.
Even a caffeine-holic so claimed by himself, has totally no idea of the vast variety of coffee...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

日本色情遊戲褻瀆《紅樓夢》 觸怒中國網民紅學迷













Tuesday, July 15, 2008




 いずれも、ファイル形式はWindows Media Videoで、配信形式はストリーミング配信、ビットレートは768kbpsとなる。

Referece URL:

上面這一張圖就是宣傳用海報. 很新奇吧?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


株 式会社USENは、7月1日の正午に無料動画配信サービス「GyaO」をリニューアル。一部の動画の配信用にMicrosoftのWebブラウザプラグイ ン技術「Silverlight」を導入したほか、チャンネル構成も刷新された。それと同時に、アニメや映画など、配信コンテンツの今後のスケジュールも 明らかになっている。

 リニューアルの概要は既報の通り。基本は従来通り、配信用にWMVフォーマットを使用するが、トップページなど、コンテンツの一部でMicrosoft のSilverlightも導入。トップページのレイアウトをドラッグ&ドロップで変更できるようになった。今後はSilverlightを推奨 環境とする予定で、利用者にインストールを呼びかけている。

 また、チャンネル構成のリニューアルでは、コンテンツを13個のステーションに分類。最新ニュースを扱う「News」、ネットの流行を紹介する「知って る? トレンド」、映画や海外/国内ドラマの配信を行なう「シネマ&ドラマ」、アニメの配信やゲームのPV配信を行なう「アニゲー」、地球環境やエコに 関する動画を扱う「ちきゅうGyaO」などが作られている。

 ビジネス面では、リニューアルに伴って広告メニューも刷新。動画CMでは属性別配信を強化、充実させたほか、バナー広告メニューも大きく、リッチにする ことで、広告効果の醸成を図っている。また、リーチ保証や初回CMポジション固定など、新しい概念の広告メニューも充実させるとしている。

■ アニメ関連の配信

 リニューアルで新設された「アニゲー」ステーションでは、アニメ版「鋼の錬金術師」の配信を7月5日から開始。毎週土曜更新で、4話ずつ配信していく。 さらに、ゲームを原作としながら、オリジナル色の強いアニメ版として人気の「PERSONA - trinity soul -」の全話配信も7月1日より開始している。

 新作としては、7月からテレビ放送が開始される「鉄腕バーディー DECODE」の無料配信を実施。7月24日から毎週木曜日更新で配信していく。さらに、現在第1話のみ無料配信中の「イタズラなKiss」も、7月12日から第2話の無料配信を開始する。

 「鉄腕バーディー DECODE」は、「パトレイバー」などで知られるゆうきまさみのSFコミックを原作としたアニメ。凶悪な逃亡犯を追って地球にやってきた宇宙連邦捜査官 のバーディー。彼女は捜査の途中、誤って地球の高校生・千川つとむを殺してしまう。彼の肉体が修復されるまで、やむなく自らの体につとむの記憶と心を宿す バーディー。かくして2人は、つとむとして普通の高校生活を送りながら、時にバーディーとして任務を遂行する“二心同体”の生活をスタートさせるのだ が……。

■ そのほかの配信


 国内外のドラマ、映画を扱う「シネマ&ドラマ」では、「スカイキャプテン ワールド・オブ・トゥモロー」を7月1日から配信スタートしている。



Impress Watch
