Saturday, December 19, 2009

萬試萬靈(幾乎啦), 個人斯巴達式(也就是自虐啦)頑疾治療(既減肥)法


這個星期病得很重, 又咳又爆喉嚨痛又生唇瘡和飛滋又舌頭腫痛, 食不下嚥, 逼不得已在極度燥底下祭出了絕技 - 斯巴達式頑疾治療法:

原理: 跟細菌病毒同歸於盡 (也就是摧毀寄主的話, 寄生體也會隨即死亡的簡單道理啦)

目的: 主要就是要明確的傳達給身體一個訊息: 你不快點好起來的話, 我就把你跟你的敵人一起殺死

: 懷著與病毒不是你死, 便是我亡的無窮戰意 / 夠白痴 / 夠燥底

行為: 保持低調, 盡量不說話免得傷喉嚨, 平時不要太在意病情, 順其自然

飲食: 連續幾天什麼都不吃, 真的要吃也只在晚餐吃點粥, 肚餓了就飲點暖水, 直至好轉為止

吃什麼種類 - 西藥和中藥一起吃 (不用怕, 抱著與病毒人鬼同途, 天地同壽的決心即可) (T__T)
吃了什麼 - 消炎藥兩三包啊, 銀橋解毒一罐啊, 牛黃解毒一罐啊, LYSOZYME兩包共幾廿粒啊, 史立消兩三盒啊, 廿四味啊, 什麼什麼沖劑啊, ...
吃多少 - 一份不夠的話就雙倍, 再不行就三倍 (我還沒有試過四倍, 勸你也不要試)
什麼時候吃 - 買幾包放在桌上, 喜歡就隨時拿來吃 (無聊就吃, 當糖吃)

睡眠: 訓多一點吧 (只有這個最正常XD)

1. 藥好像吃得有點多了, 會有少許頭痛 (>_<)
2. 口酸酸的, 舌頭有點黃色的泡泡, 不過不痛的~☆彡
3. 沒來由的有點牙痛 (被藥蛀壞了?會嗎?(・・;))
4. 間有肚痛肚瀉, 不過不太嚴重, 在可接受範圍之內 (;O;)
5. 病情好轉 (要不然我就不會在打BLOG了)\(◎o◎)/!
6. 瘦了五磅 (很令人羨慕吧? ♡_♡)


1. 這個療法只在本人身上測試過, 迄今也只測試了三四次左右. 說不定下一次就不靈驗了, 而且附送便當一個... (也說不定已經可能會有恐怖的後遺症呢~☆ミ)
2. 在看的朋友千萬不要一時衝動去嘗試, 您的生命很寶貴的, 我也很珍惜跟您的友誼, 不要做傻事啊!
3. 要是你一意孤行, 僥倖成功的話千萬不要推廣出去, 可能會鬧出人命的.
4. 這可是我在大病初癒之時, 未溫QP之際, 花了一個多小時辛辛苦苦, 含辛茹苦地打出來的, 大家可要看完就笑, 笑完就算啊!

Final disclaimer:
The above method described has not been thoroughly tested nor has it been backed by any scientific theories. You are strongly advised to consult your psychiatrist if you are naive enough to believe in the above method as mentioned. Consult your doctor when you feel ill instead.

No legal, civil, or constructive responsibility, liability, negligence, damages or whatsoever shall be assumed by the person contemplated the Sparta method for serious illness treatment (hereafter abbreviated as 'the method'), to whosoever acting on, or relying on 'the method' by whatsoever he/she did, or attempt to do, from this primary source of origination of 'the method' or third party information source which directly, or indirectly cites 'the method'. Professional advice must be sought before attempting to replicate 'the method' on any persons, or any living or non-living beings.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tomorrow, job commence

Tomorrow, my graduation job would eventually commence. Lastly, and finally.

Looking back, I really think I prefer studying over working, despite I almost gave up a few times in times of tremendous stress; and the silly yet funny days I spent, not so long ago, seems so memorable and golden now.

Looking forward, hopefully I could cope well with the new environment and overcome my fatal weakness in fostering new and maintaining existing friendship. It is my Achilles Heel except that I have far more weakness than Achilles, say, for instance, being STUPID and IDIOTIC.

People suggested working in the harsh realistic world CHANGES people. I vote for it, and the degree and extent? Only time can tell.

I think I have to take a picture tomorrow - to compare and contrast 'Before Big 4' and 'After Big 4'. Nice idea, huh?



Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Windows 8 Details Emerge, and signs of Windows 9 too

windows 8

From PC World

The version of Windows that succeeds Windows 7 will include a 128-bit architecture, according to an embarrassing leak from Microsoft's research and development team in the US.

Microsoft employee Robert Morgan appeared to detail the software giant's plans for Windows 8, and even Windows 9, on business networking site LinkedIn, where he listed his job as 'senior research and development'. His profile has now been removed from the main LinkedIn site, but is still viewable in Google's search cache.In it, he says he's "working in high security department for research and development involving strategic planning for medium and longterm projects."

He goes on to say his R&D projects include: "128-bit architecture compatibility with the Windows 8 kernel and Windows 9 project plan." He's also responsible for "forming relationships with major partners: Intel, AMD, HP and IBM."

Windows 7, due to become available worldwide on October 22, is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. (See "Windows 7 Performance Tests.")

Indeed, we've had the option of 64-bit versions of Windows since Windows XP Professional x64 Edition was launched May 2005. But while XP's successor, Vista, is also available in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions, the latter has failed to take off in a big way.

64-bit computers, which can address more RAM and are theoretically more powerful than 32-bit equivalents, are likely to become more popular with Windows 7. A 128-bit version of Windows 8 would represent the next leap in performance.

According to Microsoft's plans to release a new desktop version of Windows every three years, Windows 8 is scheduled to become available in 2012.


A 128 bit architecture, while 64 bit is now just enjoyed by a tiny proportion of early adapters?

Reasonable foreseeable for me would be the adoption of 64 bit OS universally in Windows 8 the earliest...

Sunday, October 11, 2009





Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Things could never get better in life.

Wrong Way

Every cloud has a silver lining? That gotta be kiddin'.
Incessant midnight endures, and fearful nightmares persist.
Reckon twilight could possibly exist?
No, the flashy light is from thunder -
a bolt from the blue, stunning and heart-chilling.
Yes, there could be light at the end of all the tunnel -
with the tunnel being endless, the twilight being meteoric,
and worst of all, a mirage shattering.

Every dog has his day? You gonna be shittin'
Inhumane abuse endures, and unbearable pain persist.
Thought your day could possible come?
No, the scene is from Disney -
a story by Coleridge*, romantic and non-existing.
Yes, there could be Cinderella at the end of all the suffering -
with the persecute being acute, the sneer being sad like ne'er*
and most of all, left dying.

*Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Today I had been pwned by the fxxking QP Examination.

Module A was a total nightmare for me, I couldn't remember a thing and was retarded in doing every single question.

Consolidated income statement was a mess, I were unable to handle it at all, the whole question is just half done and BADLY done. VERY BADLY.

Translation was supposed to be easier, but I was unsure for the treatment of Machinery at 1 January 2009 - I debited a funny account called - contract to receive machinery... Haha.

FI was hell to me, I was just blindly copying everything from FI and begging that I have bet on the right answer.

The last question - don't mention it please, I ran out of time and didn't attempt it.

For those who questioned my apparent failure and attempted to 'comfort' me by saying that I have been getting flying colors in exams (in primary school) - SCREW you, and that's not true.

Excuse me, I cannot hold my temper and is at the brink of total break down.

Module C? I was a copy cat. Either I would get high marks or I would have copied 'pages of irrelevant materials from the CLP'.

Well life has to go on. Maybe I should start saving for paying the examination fee again. Sigh.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

This is totally RIDICULOUS

While I was seriously considering upgrading to the universally complimented new Operating System from M$, to the Windows 7 x64 Ultimate, and was doing a little bit research on the old OS for comparison in evaluating the upgrade decision, I came across a piece of old news, fun and RIDICULOUS...

PC World: Fastest Vista Laptop, An Apple MacBook Pro

PC World published a series on The Most Notable Notebooks of 2007 and their pick for the fastest Windows Vista laptop? It was an Apple MacBook Pro.

ROFL...and SHAME on you Vista
(though it works well on my recently upgraded ASUS M51Sn - T8300 with 4G DDR667 and GeForce 9500M)
But hell, you don't expect you need a gaming spec for an OS to work smoothly for routine tasks!

Currently the single obstacle deterring me from upgrading is the compatibility issue with old 32 bits drivers - you may argue I can as well install x86 Windows 7, but why don't save the trouble once and for all (I mean it could very well be the coming 7-10 years), in the (personal) view that 64 bits system is an unstoppable mega trend?

Plus I need x64 for my 4G ram to run on full-steam!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


肥左一次路試丙部之後補左六堂, 今朝去考終於攞到輕棍P =)


都要多謝一下師傅! 即係拎左兩舊水請師傅飲茶!
係應該請既~ 點都好過肥左又要兩千銀, 嘥錢嘥時間!

總COST: 約$ 9,000
總考試鐘: 約40課 / 30小時
駕駛學院: 李健

Friday, August 21, 2009


不買也沒關係的, 看看也就可以了~
也可以給一些建設性/破壞性的意見 XD

要是她不懂得自重我會很頭痛的. lol

她會不會出/出什麼我也不知道, 那就別問我了.

攤位是在F4...畫的東東好像有點兒女性向就請大家多多包涵了 =P


暫時定價: HKD $7
大小: 4R

襟章 :
暫時定價: HKD$10
大小: 5.8CM

我自己已經預訂了一個呢~ でへへ~★

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

十年來, 我從未試過任何考試唔合格...今日肥左佬...

準備左咁耐, 做左咁多野,


無人累我, 天氣又好, 咁都唔掂真係與人無尤
I am so sorry...

十年來, 我從未試過任何考試唔合格...今日肥左佬...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It is high time to change your PWs

You should lose no time in changing your passwords.

Recently my PayPal account established during my exchange studies in US has been hacked by some filthy little scum, who attempted to buy clothing and accessories through the complete access to my PayPal account.

Luckily, PayPal figured out the irregularity of the transaction, cancelled the transaction and frozen my account (I didn't know exactly how they come to that conclusion, but anyways, thanks PayPal)

The transaction amounted to $2,244.09 USD, which is equivalent to $17,394.56 HKD.
It is a huge sum to me; and no matter how wealthy you are, you just don't want to give a single penny to a SOB, right?!

Fortunate enough, even if PayPal didn’t spotted out the fraud, the SOB could have done no actual harm to me as my debit card has been cancelled (just recently, thanks God) and there is not a single penny left in my bank account. But nevertheless I would desire to save the trouble arguing with banks/immigration authorities when I revisit the States.

So what I am going to advise you, who is reading the post, is to

1. Change your password frequently, and to a STRONG password
2. Try not to share your PW too much (I know it is troublesome to remember so many passwords, but you should have independent passwords at least for bank accounts)
3. Keep an open eye on your online electronic bank/payment accounts

Lest you shall face the trouble I encountered. At the very least, you won't desire to be astonished by an e-mail demanding payment of several grands without your knowledge, even though you could end up losing nothing (save your brain cells).
And, The goddess of fortune won’t always be on your side.

Nonetheless I sent an e-mail to the vendor demanding them to stop the delivery of goods. It sounds redundant, but I think it is worthy of your precious 5 minutes to save a possible costly trouble (both in terms of time and money), right?
I remembered also that an unauthorized debit of my bank account has occurred for a sum of $12 USD per month, which lasted for 3 months. You should really be vigilant of your financial stuff in US, it is a horrible place to live, T_T
And thank you Jason for assuming half of the responsibility of the first month; that lighten my burden slightly, XD

Monday, June 1, 2009


(註:跟中二病是完全沒有關係的。全然 あ・り・ま・せ・ん です。)

唉, 已經持續病了差不多一個月了. (由五月初開始)
(就說不是中二病了, 怎麼可能會有中二病的病征啊! 你欠打是嗎?!)
吃成藥吃了兩個星期撐不下去了, 去看了兩個醫生也看不好...
已經吃了很多消炎藥啊, 抗生素啊等等, 却總是沒什麼起色...
(應該不是那傳說中的H1N1啦, 沒有發燒而且兩個醫生也說我只是發炎)

吞口水很痛, 生飛滋也超痛, 外加嘴唇爆擦了,
(一次三個痛楚, 媽的, 又不是什麼蛋) (再自重)


(沒騙你, 愛美的男士女士不怕死可以試一下)
(註:沒有相為證, 所以信不信由你)
也承受了惡果: (是我活該, 我知道)
就是幾乎暈掉(也就是失去知覺啦). (輕飄飄的感覺, 思考力低下等等)
有點似要昇天的感覺 (咳)

幸好今天好了點, 也開始可以吃點飯和菜了 (不過還是會痛啦)

人, 就是失去了才懂得珍惜.

主啊, 祈求袮讓我可以擁有一個健康的身體. Amen.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

米倉千尋X石川智晶 「ぼくらのFRIENDS」香港ライブ








「FRIENDS」、「WILL」、「嵐の中で輝いて」、「10 YEARS AFTER」みんな大好きです!


最後は二人で歌えた!その曲はなんと ー 残酷な天使のテーゼです!







Friday, May 22, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009

米倉千尋 X 石川智晶

Despite of the fact that I have practically wasted 2 days in heaing, I still went to see the concert...
361+341 next week =.=

Anyway, the concert was great. もう最高です!


要是可以順便在日本看「超時空七夕ソニック」, 我就無憾了! 好想看好想看啊! =口

Saturday, April 18, 2009



豈有此理! 可惡啊!!!


唉, 為什麼我不快點死掉呢~
I hate it most when it is solely me to blame.
既不能遷怒於人, 對自己發怒也完全於事無補.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


(哈哈, 玩得真虛假)

話說回來, 剛好距離今天還有8年就可以成為魔法師了...
真令人傷感. 唉, 老矣.

還有, 各位女性婦女節快樂~

Friday, March 6, 2009


為了慶祝可惡的361 mid-term 1已經成為過去式...
今天特地用了6個小時幫銀河の妖精, シェリル・ノーム様上色~
原黑白稿取自互聯網 (again)
(不過這一次我上色我沒有再依靠別人噢!) <<-沒什麼好自豪的吧...=_=

嗯, 還有我是一個配色白痴. 很明顯的感覺到了.

以下是特典 (@@, 只是水彩version罷了!)

感想是很難做到想要的均稱效果... 唉, 要想上得好一點, 我還早了一億年啦...
(我還想試試厚繪的說~ 太痴人說夢了!!! 可是厚繪很好很強大~ W口W )(咬衣服)

哈哈, 這樣就浪費了一天了~
(是我太廢了, 其實一個稍有實力/天賦的人應該最多只要用兩小時就可以上得比我漂亮n倍)

Monday, March 2, 2009


完全沒有心機溫習 (說穿了, 就是hea習慣了, 調整不回來)
人的習慣真是恐怖 (找藉口的習慣也是)
唉...殺了我吧!!! 殺了我我也不想溫company law啊!

又不是メード, 為什麼要有天然ボケドジ屬性啊...(剛剛又把東西摔壞了)
這樣子萌不起來啦 (而且也很浪費金錢) [拖+慘殺]

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Grad Trip子, 參上!

有鑑於R大在graduation trip planning上居功極偉, 和慶祝grad trip即將成行, 小人特在因特網找到線稿一張, 并以醜陋技術替其上色, 命名為grad trip子.

(Rev.03 Type-C Beta)

線稿重製: 小妹
上色指導: 小妹
瞳孔潤色: 小妹
後期製作: 小人



啊, 好想買一塊大芒~有大芒睇漫畫動畫如虎添翼, 繪畫事半功倍啊!
說回來, 在開sem定下的鴻圖大計都沒有什麼動力去貫徹始終了...
這就大概是我的限界吧. 人果然是本性懶惰的生物!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009




用了中文, 日文名字試過都是火星人, 可惡啊.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


すまん。最近があまりもが忙しいくて。。。あぁ、いま何年だげ? (死)

Um...Eventually settled down in my home city after the longest traveling I ever had in my life. From hind sight, I have encountered so many sad occasions, and mounting difficulties, tremendous excitement and true amusement. Compared to my previously almost autistic life, it is like that more than 3 years of life have been compressed into half a year. No kidding.

So many places I have visited, and so many new friends I have made. I am truly glad that I have plucked up the courage to exchange. I have to really express my true gratitude to my exchange mates, who has tolerated my immaturity and inability; big hands to Jason Tam, who had taken up the uphill task of organizing the east coast trip. Not to forget is the help that I obtained from HKSA members, without them, I am sure to live a much harder and boring life in Austin.



With a brand new year, new and the last semester upcoming, I cannot afford to lose the chance to devise a satisfactory plan. For this time, I am not going to bow to whatever pressure, and I am going to attain the target that I set for myself with my full effort. Irrespective of how bitter the process might be, how depressing the outcome could be, I would not regret. 燃えよ!魂を最後まで燃えるがよい!それが、青春なのだ!

Below is my things to do list, arranged in the order of priority:
1. Learning how to drive
2. Learning Japanese, and attempt lv 2/1 at Jul/Dec
3. Save and earn money for graduation trip in Japan and Taiwan
4. Exercise
5. Learning to play piano (on condition that attainment of 1&2 is reasonably possible)