Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Time flies


Although it is an over-used old saying, but TIME FLIES indeed.
9 weeks of exchange life in US has already been elapsed, but it seems to me that I have almost done nothing of particular significance at all. But maybe that is what I am expected to, right?
I have still around 7 more weeks to go with UT. Certainly I would miss UT, for its beautiful campus and wonderful people, but definitely not for its heavy workload, which is totally unexpected. Who the hell told me that studying in US is just a piece of cake?! He/she must have the intention to deceive me, I am sure.
Many unexpected things have occurred. Mostly are bad, some good, and some neutral. But I am so far content enough as those are stuffs that I don't think I would probably experience otherwise. Too much regrets I had for present; yet I am sure I would be more regretful shall I chose not to exchange. Another old saying which I found particularly touching now is: Treasure the person who loves you, who is next to you, and your beloved family and friends.
Although people take it for granted that going on exchange would probably makes a person more mature, but I think I sounds like as if I am a 60 years old man who is not sure whether he is going to pass away sooner or later. Probably I am becoming a bit too mature, huh?


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