Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I wish to be the deaf-muted
Paying no heed to rumors that I often attenuated
Seeing nothing that I always turn an blind eye to
Getting no troubles that I dare not get into
Sensing no pain that I never want to feel
Having wounds that seldom heal
For the world is so empty
Air so dirty
People so guilty
Friends so ratty
And myself so faulty.


固體蛇 said...

good poem.好詩好詩。

Ricky said...

詩意溢滿在文字之間, 值得細細品味..好詩好詩.

Sing Mak said...

從這首詩中, 我思考到人生的義意和奧妙,
雖然內容對一般人來有點兒深奧, 我只體會到一點點的皮毛, 這這已足以令我從新思考我人生的路向。這種覺悟對我來說是痛苦的, 但卻是必要的。

感謝你, 作了這首好詩, 期待你的新作。
