Saturday, September 11, 2010


好像老叫人Update BLOG自己倒幾個月完全沒有寫過什麼了 @_@

I bet many of you, my friends, have noticed somehow, either directly from me or indirectly from your friends, that I had made an indeed very important decision. It could potentially be the turning point of my remaining life, and that is to - pursue another walk of life.

After all Big 4 accounting firm is too unbearable for a coward ( in terms of not being able to refuse unreasonable request) and junk (in terms of competence) like me...who no longer wish to pay indefinitely for little, or nothing.

From the very first beginning, I was being told that I am "unlucky" to be selected under "him" - and that my future would be all gloom and doom provided that I shall stay.

I never thought that could be true or took it seriously for the first 3 months. I was still naïve enough to still have faith in the old equation - output being proportional to input. No matter how small the factor could be.

Wrong. I was completely erroneous. Just like when I had always been the last one to leave office among colleagues of the same grade consistently, just like when I have to work on every single Saturday and Sunday, just at times when I showed up in the office on public holiday almost on my own, and when I am scolded for nothing (at least I believe). And at times when I cannot stand for the pain and sack myself, the immediate cancellation of training course and demanding of the full reimbursement of course fee of 13K.

Loser. I am a DAMN loser. I lose each and everything from the very first beginning – and til the end.

Now I need to “stop loss”. Hard to say whether my decision is correct or not – and when I am able to say so by looking backward a few years later, everything would be too late.

I may regret for the decision that I made today. But…sigh. I have no choice.

I hope, for this time, I shall have some luck...please!
本來係想用中文打既...不過打左一陣覺得打中文好煩, 同埋啲中文好"英文", 語意狗屁不通...索性用英文算了.