Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tomorrow, job commence

Tomorrow, my graduation job would eventually commence. Lastly, and finally.

Looking back, I really think I prefer studying over working, despite I almost gave up a few times in times of tremendous stress; and the silly yet funny days I spent, not so long ago, seems so memorable and golden now.

Looking forward, hopefully I could cope well with the new environment and overcome my fatal weakness in fostering new and maintaining existing friendship. It is my Achilles Heel except that I have far more weakness than Achilles, say, for instance, being STUPID and IDIOTIC.

People suggested working in the harsh realistic world CHANGES people. I vote for it, and the degree and extent? Only time can tell.

I think I have to take a picture tomorrow - to compare and contrast 'Before Big 4' and 'After Big 4'. Nice idea, huh?

